Speak Life
Amya RoxxStar and her team have hit the grown running this spring. She has already signed on to the SPEAK LIFE tour and is a Brand Ambassador for the GIRLS WHO BRUNCH TOUR. These unique organizations are doing awesome work for the empowerment of youth. Miss RoxxStar also kicked off her own philanthropy project which involves youth in homeless shelters. There are some other great things ahead so make sure you stay tuned.
*Events* March 13th-Philadelphia,PA March 26th-Philadelphia,PA March 29th- Baltimore, MD March 31st-Ewing Twsp, NJ April 2nd-Saddlebrook, NJ April 16th-Hampton, VA April 19th- Baltimore, MD April 29th/April 30th- Charleston,SC May 14th- Baltimore, MD(Private Workshop) May 17th-Baltimore, MD May 21st- Philadelphia, PA May 27th-Washington,DC June 7th-Baltimore,MD June 25th-Harlem, NY July 29th-Atlanta,GA July 30th-Charlotte,NC August 2nd-Baltimore,MD August 6th-Lancaster,PA August 13th-Orlando,FL September 24th-Dallas, TX